Saturday, October 1, 2011

Six Seven Candidates, but Two Choices

     The newly vacant House District 25 seat has certainly drawn a slew of folks claiming to be Republicans. There is a new found Republican party zeitgeist dressing as fiscally and morally conservative, touting a caring for the "middle" class, courting the Tea Party by claiming to despise those evil taxers, and wrapping themselves in the cloak of States' Rights. Their continued belief that big business has a soul and the rich really care unless you ask them to pay notwithstanding, this creates a bandwagon that every politician in Georgia seems to want to climb onto.
On the other hand, the Democrats are clothed Nationally as Blue Socialists (what happened to Red being the socialist color?) who only want to see government grow and control our lives.  There are actually people in both parties that emulate these two distinctions. However, having lived several score years myself and seen this changing of vestment take place, I still know who, by and large really cares about the voter in Georgia, abhors government intrusion in our lives, and seeks government no bigger than is essential to the needs of the people. I guess I really am a Democratic-Republican, the original name of the Democrat party that held to those high principles. That is why I am still a Democrat in the vein of those great statesmen of Georgia's past, from Carl Sanders who left office just before I entered the military, to Zell Miller who took office as Governor just as I left the military.
     Now, I freely admit, as a friend of mine told me, the Democrat party is like a big ship with lots of passengers and crew of differing motivations and persuasions, and there are parts of the ship where I just don't want to go. Today, I am inclined to even stay away from the bridge. Although I hope the Captain of the Ship means well, I don't completely agree with the direction the current crew in charge of the bridge is taking us as a country.
     But I do know the direction I want to go for Georgia. That is also why I am joining this madding crowd in this election, not to become one of them, although the labels they brand themselves with will undoubtedly encourage many to vote for them. I seek to give the voters a sane choice. I ask that voters not be just a crowd follower after a party label or slogan. Look at all the candidates' qualifications and goals before you make a choice, and vote with your head. If you merely vote with your heart you are likely to either get heartburn or be heartbroken with the results. I have made my qualifications and issues public at and invite everyone to visit.

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